
Signals is an event-emitter-like library meant to be used across different node projects without setting up a websocket or a server, with the use of Firebase and soon can also be used with MongoDB


Hello this is the documentation


Simply just run:

$ npm i signalz


// Using Node.js `require()`
const Signalz = require("signalz");

// Using ES6 imports
import Signalz from "signalz";


Heres how to setup Signalz with the firebase method

Getting Started

First import firebase-admin and initialize firebase, this is explained further here

const firebase = require("firebase-admin");

const serviceAccount = require("./serviceAccountKey.json");
if (firebase.apps.length === 0) {
    credential: firebase.credential.cert(serviceAccount),
    databaseURL: "YOUR_DB_URL",

Then initialize Signals itself:

const client = new Signalz.Client("CLIENT_ID", firebase.database());

Client ID is explained here

Sending a Signal

await client.sendSignal("SIGNAL_ID", "TARGET_CLIENT_ID", data);
// Data can be a number, string, boolean, or object.

Signal ID and Target Client ID are exmplaned here

Receiving a Signal

client.on("signal", (signal) => {
  // do stuff

Replying to Signal

After doing the code when receiving a signal, its a good practice to reply to that signal with a status of "accept" or "error" to make the other project know the status of the signal, optionally, you can add a message to the reply

client.on("signal", (signal) => {
  // do stuff
  signal.reply("accept", "good!");
  // OR
  signal.reply("error", "invalid yada yada");

  // Message can be number, string, boolean, or object.

Awaiting a Reply

const sentSignal = await client.sendSignal(
sentSignal.awaitReply(60000).then((data) => {

Ending a Signal

Its important that you end a signal after you are done with it, it is optional but very recommended as it frees up space from your database.

const sentSignal = await client.sendSignal(
sentSignal.awaitReply(60000).then((data) => {


client.on("signal", (signal) => {
  // do stuff
  signal.reply("accept", "good!");
  // OR
  signal.reply("error", "invalid yada yada");

Explaining Some Terms

Last updated